Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 14th Day +8

Happy Valentine's Day! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Dave I miss you and love you!

Yesterday continued to be bad for Ryan,  he had alot of pain in his mouth. He slept quite a bit, on and off..He was holding in all of his saliva and then pointing to spit it poor little guy, what I would give for him not to have to feel this.

I drove home last night (left in rush hour) 5:30 will not ever do that again.  I made it to Milton at 7:30 what a drive....really it gave me to much time to think, and that lead to my personal cry time. Probably not a good thing to be doing while driving... 
I questioned why, why, why, why?  An Answer, Dave and I will never know.

Another bad night,Ryan was up vomitting and in alot of pain...Dave called me this morning to tell me Ryan's counts:

WBC -  0.1
RBC -85
PLT -25 after the transfusion yesterday.

The Dr.s decided to give him another transfusion today as they said they dropped so rapidly last time that they do not want to wait again the Benadryl to prevent a reaction.

I tried calling Ryan on Skype this morning, and was able to see him, he would not talk ( his mouth is probably to sore) I miss his voice so much. 

Ryan has not talked in 2 days and has not had any thing to eat or drink for the same amout of time.

Hopefully, the counts will start to climb this week and the mucositis will start to subside.

Resting at home as Ally was sick in the night and I was not feeling good either...
It is a holiday on Monday ( Family Day ) so Dave may have to do another night, if I can not shake this run down feeling..

Going to mass in the morning at our Church with Ally, we are going to go and say a pray for Ryan, Tina and her parents will be joining us, Nicole and the boys might be coming to...  Prayers in numbers right?????

So, to everyone have a wonderful long weekend and I will post again tomorrow.



  1. Hey Suzie - I'm just wondering, are the Drs. giving Ryan "Magic Mouthwash". Don't know if your Dad told you, but last summer I had to have some Chemo (Methotrexate). My mucositis was only in my mouth. My Dr. gave me this Magic Mouthwash which I had to gargle as needed and it really helped with the pain. I realize that it would be difficult to get Ryan to gargle, but I would assume that just moving it around the mouth and then spitting it out would have some small effect. I still have half a bottle in the fridge (with no expiration date or disposal date) if you want to try it.

    You are all in my prayers every day.


  2. Hi Terri,

    That is the Chemo that Ryan had on Day +1, +3, and + 6.
    We do have the mouthwash and we were using it everyday until transplant and then it got harder and harder for Ryan to do....He can actually gargle..but I think it is just to painful for him right now...
    But I will call Dave and see if he can get him to try.....Dave has a good way with Ryan when it coming to getting him to have to do I am sure he can come up with some kind of game....

    Thank you for offering the bottle, but the Dr's give us a new one every 48 hours from the time it is we are not with out supply...
    Hope all is well with you...

    Take great care,

