Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 4th Day + 26


Before I start today's blog, I need to apologize to everyone who is reading for my poor spelling and puntuation. It was brought to my father's attention yesterday that I am my father's daughter. I guess it is in the genes. Thanks Robin. I guess with that being said I can admit I am not the greatest speller and am not always sure where to put my comas, but in my defense I do write fast and do not check the spelling as Ryan is always looking for something or needs me, so before I bind it for Ryan it will have to be reviewed. On another note, there is no spell check on here that I can find, that would be a great help.


You had a wonderful day yesterday, you ate a nice picnic lunch on the ground with your dinosaurs. You had a 1/4 of a grilled cheese sandwich and some brocolli with a glass of milk.
Your liquid intake yesterday was 260ml, all the nurses were impressed.

Mary sunshine came to visit and let you borrow a batman until Thursday night, she told you that you could have him for 2 sleeps. You were so nice that you gave her something to keep until Thursday as well.

Your counts today:

WBC: 1.3 (up a little )
RBC- 88
PLT - 53
Poly's - 0.24 slowly rising.

I think we may have to put our shoes on hold to do our dance until next week. Take you time sweetheart, all that matters is that you get better and beat this. So, if it takes a bit longer for us to get our dance that is ok with me.

Your breakfast today has started off poor, you will not eat anything, but you keep telling me you are hungry, so hopefully we can get lunch in and some more liquid.

Mommy is going to lunch today with Sylvie. Karen, unfortunatley is unable to make it, so hopefully I will see her tomorrow for coffee.

Daddy will be coming around noon to have lunch with you. I am sure you will have him on the floor with your dino's for a picnic as you will be un-locked from Fred for a few hours.

Hope you have a great day today Ryan



  1. Ryan,

    Auntie Nicole misses you so much and can't wait for the day when I can come and visit you. I think of you every minute. Your Mommy is right that it is o.k. to take your time....slow and steady wins the race.
    We have tried to call you on Skype but can't get through.
    Ally misses you and wanted to see you on the computer.
    Give Mommy a hug from me and tell her to give you one from us too.
    We love you so very much.
    Get strong!
    Auntie Cole

  2. Hi Sue and Ryan,
    Sue enjoy your lunch date today. Ryan and Dave you enjoy your lunch date as well. Hope Ryan eats his lunch today, maybe those dino's will help.
    I too agree with Auntie Nicole and mommy to take your time. You levels will get there on your own time. We just know it.
    Keep up the great work fight fight fight. You are truly an amazing little boy Ryan. I love you.
    Hugs and Kisses,
