Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20th - Day+ 73


Look how far you have come. We are at day + 73 post transplant and you are doing great considering all you have been through.

Mommy walked the 5 km MS walk yesterday and found out that she is out of shape. I need walk more often. You gave me a sticker to wear on my hand and you said " Think about me, don't forget" I got home and the sticker was still on my hand and you were thrilled.

You had a great weekend with your sisters. You spent a lot of time at the park and we took a walk on Saturday night. You are sleeping great in your bed and still eating and drinking well.

Mommy had a rough week last week and relaxed yesterday, once the walk was done.
You and I feel asleep for a short time on the couch yesterday, we curled up under a blanket to keep warm and drifted off to sleep. Mommy enjoyed each minute that you were asleep in my arms. I watched you like I did when you were a baby.

Ryan, you have started to want to play with your friends again and are becoming more comfortable in your surroundings since we have been home. I am so pleased to see this.

Mommy, has realized through all of this what friendship really means. One day when you are all grown up you will have many friends, I am certain of this. and you will understand how important they are.

Just remember friends are not always there during just the good times, but they are also there during the difficult and not so good ones. Being there through the good times is easy, it is being there through the bad that is much more difficult. Daddy and I have come to know that we have a great family and we have great friends.

We have had amazing friends from before you were sick who have been beside us every step of the way , and we have met some really amazing friends since you got sick, who have become good friends that have also been right there taking this ride with us.

So again, mommy wants to thank everyone who has been there for our family during this time. We could not have done it with out all of you. Ryan, their support is everything. One day you will look back on all of this and see what this journey was all about. I will be starting your scrap book soon. Your shadow box in done and will be hung in your room today, to remind you of what you have accomplished so far on this journey.

Love you babe,



  1. Sounds like this week is starting off on a very positive note - a prelude to receiving good news! Maybe that the 8M v 5K battle is over and 5K just surrendered against such an overwhelming army.

  2. that would be so nice to hear this week....but due to the fact that the blood test will only be this week to see what has happened we will only have the cells vs cells back next Wednesday...

  3. I believe we are going to get good news as well. Positive thinking is the best way to go.
    Sue, you couldn't have said it any better....friends are there for you through the good and the bad....that's what friends are for. You know who they are.
    Love you always thinking of you guys,
    Thanks for doing the walk with me yesterday. You are truly an amazing person. I was exhausted and must be out of shape But......we did it! Way to go!

  4. I think it's time for some good news too! Ryan and Sue, you guys have been such troopers along with Ally and Kayla and Dave - you deserve to hear something great very soon!
    You guys are in my prayers every night!

  5. Hi Sue,
    Wonderful to hear that your little boy is doing so well. Both you and Dave are such troopers....Ryan is definitely a chip of the old blocks. It's wonderful to know that he is anxious to play with friends again....I think it's a great step on his road to recovery.
    Keep up the good work!
