Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 16th- Day + 69



You went in yesterday for your bone marrow aspiration! You were funny, the Dr. said you are going to take a little nap and you said" I don't want to take a nap" and you were in a sleep, just like that. Daddy had to come into the room just to watch..I think he thinks you are funny.
You sister did it the day before and daddy took a video of her when she was on her happy medication.

Dr. Gassas explained it like this:

Ryan you have a little army of soliders that have not given up yet. So we have to increase Ally's troop to try to over power yours. So we sent in 40 million cells yesterday to do just that...
You would think that 40 million would be able to take on 14 ( which is proabably more like 5000) when you do the actual math. So we wait to see what this war will do. Who will win.
Sorry Ryan I have to take Ally's side on this one, as she needs to kick some real butt now.
Please let your 14 soliders surrender to her troops. This is what we all need, this is what I need and this is expecially what you need.

We have another set of troop frozen and ready to come out should we need and another set after that.

Ally was able to produce 3 troops instead of the 2 they were looking for. Go Ally.

Ryan, we are awaiting the results of your bone marrow aspiration, this will give us a guide line to how we move forward. If there are no signs of your JMML being back then we can move slow, like we did yesterday. If it is back, then we will have to send in some more of Ally's troops to destroy yours. I call them the reinforcements. Destroy seems like a harsh word to use, but as your mommy if your cells are destroyed, then you will live a much better life and will continue to do great things. And we can deal with whatever happens after that together.

Ryan if we can get through this we can get through anything!

You wished last night before you went to bed that your line and bandage was gone and you could do what ever you wanted and go where ever you wanted. So now take a rest, let Ally's body do its thing and then guess what you will be as good as new and you can get on it. Go where ever you want, and do whatever you want. And I will be your biggest fan, cheering you along the way.

Love you monkey,



  1. Ok Sue, so you might be nearly there with your spelling!! But your certainly not short of words and how to express them. Your blog today is beautifully written from your very big heart. I admire your stength and courage. You and Dave are amazing.

    Go Allie and Go Ryan

    Hugs to you all

  2. Let the war games begin! Ryan, don't let that big brother guy ego thing get in the way - let your little sister win. 40M v 5K - my bets are on the 40M.

  3. For mommy to sing to Ryan to the tune of (Mary had a little Lamb).

    Ally's soldiers chased away
    Gobbled up, fought real hard
    Ally's soldiers chased away
    Bad soldiers in Ryan's body.

    Ryan's soldiers ran away
    Very scared, they couldn't stay
    Ryan's soldiers tried to hide
    But Ally's wouldn't let them.

    Ryan's soldiers disappeared
    Don't know where, maybe in the air
    Never will they come again
    'Cause Ally's are much stronger.

    Big and strong, big and strong
    They'll fight bad soldiers everywhere
    And throw them in the garbage.

  4. GO ALLY'S CELLS GO!!!! I'm sorry that this is not over for you all yet... but I think the good outcome you all need is in sight.

    I am sure the prayers from friends and strangers alike are helping and I am so excited every day I check your blog, to see that you are continueing to make babysteps forward. Your children are amazing. They are strong and beautiful and that is a result of the love and guidance they get from you and your husband.

    Keep your thoughts positive and prepare for the day when you can watch the children run and play and grow up together, doing all the things that siblings do.

    This is my wish for you! You're almost there :)
