Thursday, January 22, 2009


Hi Everyone,

Ryan is still doing well.
We were at the hospital on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. We have been up at 5:30 each morning in preparation for our days....We have our set date for transplant...we move in on Monday the 26th of January.. Ryan had all his pre-tests done and all looks good from what we know. He had a minor procedure yesterday with sidation and he asked if he could put himself to sleep...pretty ironic he injected his medicine and fell asleep sitting up, eyes open...
This procedure was to check the amount of immature white cell( bad cells) they call them "blasts" he body has, they are wanting those at less than 20%. We ran into his Dr and he said that we are so luckly to be going to tranplant this soon, and that it usually takes 6 months....
He woke up and was as hyper as could be...not what you would expect from a sick little boy....

We are off on Sunday to the hair dresser to have a buzz cut...that is more for me as I dont think I can handle watching his beautiful hair fall out.

So we start everything on Monday and will most likely be in hospital for 3 months...hopefully Ryan will do well (cross fingers) and we will be out in 2.....all being well and Ryan being safe...

We are anxious as it is like it is all starting again, but this time with much more at risk (they have to tell you it all, every possibiltiy that could happen in transplant...something you never want to hear. but we are very lucky to have a great support system, friend family and many other people that are supporting us through this difficult journey and we are very fortunate and thankful for that..
The one thing I do know is that the cancer that Ryan is fighting can not get his spirit as he is a trooper and he is still smiling after all he has already been through...
I have tried to explain in child terms that we are going to hospital on Monday and it will be for a while and he said to me, you a mean a very long time mommy. He is truly amazing and we are so lucky to have him......

A friend of ours sent me an email yesterday stating please do me a favour this year. Keep your chin up and DONT EVER GIVE UP HOPE!!!!! Ally was a match for a reason.....Hope is what I have chosen to hold onto..He said good things happen in 3's and the first of the 3 was Ally being a match, now we are waiting for the other 2.....


  1. I have everything crossed and I am sure you all have the other 2...

    As your friend said don´t give up hope and when you feel down, look for Ryan smile even at the hospital. He will be your "rock"


  2. Good Luck and we will be thinking of you all. you do not know me, but I know Cameo .
    I live just up the steet from you on Philbrook..hope it's ok that I joined the blog. Wishing you all the best and looking forward to some good news:)

  3. To my darling georgous little nephew, just want to tell you a little secret... although I can't be there with you, you will be in my thoughts every minute of everyday.

    I think your very brave and can fight to make your blood better.

    Love you lots and can't wait for the day when I'm with you just to give you a BIG hug!! Stay safe,

    Auntie Brenda, Uncle Jim, Michelle, Rachel and Christopher XXXXXXXX

  4. Just a little note to say I'm thinking of you all. I hope everyone gets a good nights sleep. Starting tomorrow a long road ahead. Ryan is a fighter and he will beat this battle.
    I wish you all the strength in the world. Chin up and keep HOPE!!!
    Remember I'm a phone call away and will be by your side when you need me.
    Love you all,
