Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 11- Day + 33 First Day Home


We drove home yesterday from the hospital and it was amazing; you were looking everywhere and making comments on everything you saw. From the taxi cabs to the dinos in the park. I thought, sure Ryan, there are no dinos in the park and guess what I was wrong. There was a statue of a stegosaurus right in front of us.

When we drove into the driveway there were dinosaur balloons on the porch and you thought that that was just great...Thanks to the Raymond family.

We had dinner together and it was like night and day, you asked for everything under the sun. Daddy and I were so pleased.

The nurse came to set you up for hydration last night and that went very well. Your mommy is becoming quite the nurse these days.

When the nurse left, of course the pumps started beeping, with my five minute lesson, I was able to flush it and restart it all. Thank goodness otherwise we would probably have been driving back down for hydration at the hospital.

8pm came, that is medicine time now 3 medicines that really don’t taste that great. We struggle through it, but we manage.

You had a wonderful sleep in your bed and only called out once in the night.

When you woke this morning, we turned off the pumped, flushed and heplocked your central line.

We came down for breakfast and you wanted toast with Jam, so mommy got a bit smarter and put your most important medicine in the jam and spread it on your loved it, you said it was so good.

We had a great day, we played, we watched some TV, read some stories and then you took a nap.

When you woke up, you and I went for a walk to the mail box on your request and once we stepped outside, you said it was to cold. I tried to tell you but you did not want to listen.

You did not really do great on dinner or your fluid intake today, but we will continue to work on that tomorrow.

You took you medicine a little better tonight and then chased it down with milk. Daddy told you, you could have some popcorn, so you are now sitting on the couch eating it.

You turned to me and said, "Mommy I have a heart, and you are in it" GO HABS GO"
I cried and you wiped my tears away, like you always do, when you see me cry.

Ryan you have such a wonderful heart and personality.
I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your mom. I am so very honoured and proud.

I love you more each day.



  1. Thank you for the heart bursting post!!

  2. Dear Sue,

    What an incredible expression of love your little boy paid to you with his words, "Mommy, I have a heart and you are in it". He is a sweet little boy and is very lucky to have such a wonderful mom.
    I'm so glad that life is somewhat back to normal for your family. We all wish only the best for you.
